John’s Gospel Archive

Perseverance Of The Saints

Our subject this morning is the Perseverance of The Saints. This last letter of the TULIP simply teachess that a Christian cannot lose their salvation. Once God saves a sinner, they are saved forever: “I will never cast out” (v.37) “I will lose nothing” (v.39). They will Persevere to the end, that is they will be in the faith till death. Observe how Jesus continuously …

Irresistible Grace

John 6:44-65 The word irresistible means simply means something that cannot be resisted. The dictionary puts it into more forceful words: “impossible to refuse, oppose or avoid because it is too pleasant, attractive or strong”. That’s what irrestible Grace is. When God draws us to himself it is too pleasant, attractive or strong to refuse. For all of us who have come to faith in …