Discipleship Archive

Perseverance Of The Saints

Our subject this morning is the Perseverance of The Saints. This last letter of the TULIP simply teachess that a Christian cannot lose their salvation. Once God saves a sinner, they are saved forever: “I will never cast out” (v.37) “I will lose nothing” (v.39). They will Persevere to the end, that is they will be in the faith till death. Observe how Jesus continuously …

The Sad State Of Judas

Download 🎧 here Listen 🎧 https://sovereigngracegh.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/The-Sad-State-of-Judas.m4a Matthew 10:1-4 If you review your life over the past year and probably over your entire existence– your decisions, your choices, your associations– how have you lived your life? What will you be remembered for? What legacy are you leaving behind? If you leave the scene— you die, you relocate from your community or change jobs or change church, …