Gospel Tracts Archive

Limited Atonement

John 6:38-39 We have been dwelling on these verses for the past two weeks to consider an important doctrine of the faith from the Reformed perspective which is also biblical. We call it the doctrine of grace or TULIP or Calvinism. So far we have covered the first two letters of TULIP and will consider today the third letter L. I think I have never …

Unconditional Election

John 6:37 Last week we had an overview of the Doctrines of Grace commonly called Calvinism or TULIP. I indicated we will spend some time to consider the various letters of TULIP and their meaning. Total Depravity (v.44) Unconditional Election (vv. 37,39) Limited Atonement (v.51) Irrestible Grace (v.44) Perseverance of The Saints (37,39,40,44) We continue this morning and we will consider the U–Unconditional Election  (John …