Lot Archive

The Covenant Blessings

Genesis 19:27-29 Download 🎧 Listen There is a medical condition called Amnesia, where people lose memory of facts and information and past events of their lives. And even apart from the medical condition, forgetfulness is normal with us. I believe we have all ever forgotten about something we should have done. Therefore, it is human to forget. The Phrase God remembered Abraham therefore is an interesting …

The Sin of Lot and His Daughters

Download 🎧 here Listen 🎧 Today we will bring Genesis 19 to a close. So far we have looked at four topics from the chapter. The first in the series was from v.17; Escape For Your Life. Then we continued with The Urgency of The Gospel from vv.12-14. We also looked at Remember Lot’s Wife (v.26) and last week we considered v.29 The Covenant Blessings.  …

Remember Lot’s Wife

But Lot’s wife, behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt (Genesis 19:26) Download 🎧 Listen This is an anti-climax. It is a sad ending for a good narrative. A sorrowful ending for a merciful deliverance. We have already seen in Genesis 19 how God mercifully delivered Lot and his family from the destruction of Sodom which is a picture of the …