Galatians Archive
Audio: Listen/Download: 🎧 Boasting In Christ(3) Galatians 6:14 Finally, we draw the curtains on Galatians today. Pastor is happy, congregation is happy. Let’s prepare ourselves for another book next week. Now to be sure I have not laboured in vain and the message of Galatians has been well understood, let’s recap. I have two questions to ask and I want answers from you. (i) …
Galatians 6:2 Download 🎧: Bear One Another’s Burden Gradually we are coming to the end of Galatians. That will mean that within the 1st year of my Pastoral ministry, I have preached through 3 books of the Bible. Maybe when we finish Galatians, we should hold a little love feast for ourselves. Today we will consider a title from the first line of the …
This morning, I want us to look at a title The Work of Sanctification. I will firstly define what Sanctification is, then we examine three sub-headings: The Centrality Of The Holy Spirit In Sanctification. The Cooperation of The Believer In Sanctification and The Consequences of The Absence of Sanctification. All through this series, we have examined from various angles The Work of Justification, …