A Blessed Good Morning

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning… (Lamentations 3:22-23).

Here is a staggering thought! Every morning —at the dawn of a new day— God gives us what we don’t deserve — His steadfast love and mercies. What we deserve is judgement and punishment for our many sins, but “He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities” (Psalm 103:10).

Have you ever heard someone responding to a good morning greeting by asking “what’s good about the morning?” I bet you have. Understandably, people experience various degrees of predicament which may cause them to be pessimistic about life. But whatever our predicament, pessimism robs us of the ability to see the goodness of God. We lose sight of the many blessings God gives us though we don’t deserve them. 

Every morning is a gift from God; we wake up and face the day with a new supply of God’s love and mercies.  In spite of whatever predicament we may be facing, we should make a commitment to keep hope alive in God.  

The morning brings us into a new day– the day the Lord has made which calls for us to rejoice and be glad. Every morning gives us the opportunity to make amends to a wasted previous day or to continue to build on a fruitful  previous day. Every morning gives us the opportunity to work towards our dreams and visions. There’s no day we run short on God’s supply. His love never runs out. His mercy is ever available. 

Further Studies: Psalm 30:5, 68:19, 118:24, Ecclesiastes 11:6, Isaiah 50:4-5Mark 1:35


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