One In Christ

For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. Romans 10:12

Rights are perhaps the most discussed and debated topic worldwide. Various legislation are passed into law to protect the rights of people. We live in a world of entitlements and ‘rights movements’ are ubiquitous. The most sensitive is racial discrimination. It manifests in various forms.

It is not a modern phenomenon though; ancient civilisations encountered their own problems with racial discrimination. Even in first century Christianity for example, there was racial discrimination manifested in the upkeep of some widows (Acts 6:1). This clearly tells us this is an age old problem and its root is sin.

Now, all humankind are image bearers of God and we ought to love one another. The solution then is the Gospel. Legislation and human will may deal with the problem superficially, but the Gospel will uproot it from the heart of sinners. God is no respecter of persons.

The Gospel breaks racial barriers. Jesus calls everyone — irrespective of your race or tribe or skin colour — to salvation through faith in Him. Come just as you are without one plea and He will receive you.

Further Studies: Genesis 1:26-27, Acts 8:27-28, 10:1- 48, Revelation 7:9.

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