Truly, Truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”(John 3:3).
If we are to poll what humankind’s greatest need is, various responses will emerge. Top on the list I believe will be alleviation of poverty, disease and world peace. As commendable as these are, they are not our greatest need because they are not our greatest predicament. Sin, causing separation from God is our greatest predicament. Therefore forgiveness of sin and reconciliation to God is our greatest need.
Jesus tells us what is necessary to be reconciled to God. We must be born again. To be born again is to be “born from above”—anothen. It is a work of change of heart by God’s Spirit. It is God’s merciful act of grace towards humanity, where He saves us from sin and reconciles us unto Himself through Christ Jesus.
The starting point for all of us is to acknowledge we are sinners separated from God by sin brought upon the whole human race by the fall and disobedience of Adam. All, without Christ, are spiritually dead. Alienated from God by sin, Jesus took our sins upon Himself to save and reconcile us to God through faith. If you come to Him in faith acknowledging your need of a Saviour, He will receive you into His kingdom.
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