Return Of Christ Archive

Christ’s Love For His Bride

Download 🎧 Listen   I will like us to consider for a title this morning Christ’s Love For His Bride. We will do it under four points. 1) The Display Of Christ’s Love , 2) The Delight In Christ’s Love, 3) The Dependability of Christ’s Love 4) The Destination of Christ’s Love The Song of Solomon is written by Solomon as a poem celebrating love: …

That Day

This is a message preached on 31/12/2023 Watch Night Service Download 🎧 here Listen 🎧 In the morning, we considered the title End of The Road examining Paul’s life as the curtain is drawn on his life and ministry. We saw that 2nd Timothy is Paul’s final letter written to Timothy at his impending execution. We also noted two things from the verses 6-7 : …